Melbourne s'endort.
Cette nuit, ou plutôt ce matin, je me suis endormie à 5heures..
Je commence sérieusement à m'inquiéter à propos de mes insomnies..
Je me suis levée à 9h30, j'avais rendez-vous pour le ptit déj à 10H30 avec Betsy.
Dans la cuisine, ma liste quotidienne de tâches ménagères m'attendaient, et merde en une heure je n'avais pas le temps de 1) passer l'aspi 2) passer la serpiére 3) faire les machines et étendre le linges qui avait déjà dans la machine 4) nettoyer les sales de bains des parents 5) ranger la cuisine 6)vider le lave vaiselle 7) ranger les chambres des enfants
Bon j'ai réussi à balayer vite fait le premier étage ainsi qu'à le laver.
J'ai vidé lave-vaisselle et machine et je suis partie.
Betsy est venue me chercher, on est aller prendre un bon ptit déj sur chapel street, elle a pris un croissant, j'ai pris un super bol de fruit avec un yaourt et un cappucino.
Après ça on est allé dans une pharmacie faire des emplettes, oui j'ai bien dis pharmacie, mais bon c'est plus ou moins l'équivalent de nos parfumerie sauf qu'on peut y acheter des medocs, ensuite on est allé au body shop, pour finir à 12H30 elle ma reconduit à la maison.
Personne n'était rentré depuis, j'ai donc jeté le mot que j'avais laissé, qui expliquait pourquoi j'avais pas finit, et je me suis remis au boulot.
A 15H j'avais finit, il est maintenant 17H23, ma famille est en train de diner, et moi je suis frigorifiée dans mon lit ( la température de ma chambre est de 18)
Je vais tenter de me motiver pour me doucher et me faire à manger, comme ça à 19h30 je serai au lit, comme une vraie australienne !
mardi 29 mai 2012
time flies .
Ça fait déjà une semaine que je n'ai pas bloguer, moi qui pensais que ça faisait deux jours..
Je vais poster en français maintenant, j'ai déjà pas le temps de poster alors si en plus de ça je dois prendre la tête avec ma grammaire anglaise on en finit plus!
Donc,une semaine s'est écoulée depuis mon ptit déj & déjeuner avec les filles..
Le temps passe a une allure incroyable !! bref
Jeudi j'ai du m'occuper de Electra, les deux enfants de la secrétaire, et le fils de l'associé, ce qui fait 4 enfants entre 1 et 5 ans.. toute la journée.
Manque de pot, il faisait un temps pourri ( pour pas changer), du coup après une courte promenade au parc, on avait pas d'autre choix que de regagner la maison..
Films, cookies, sandwiches,et joyeux bordel!
A 17H40 j'avais fini ma journée mes j'etais sur les rotules.
Pourtant j'ai pas réussi à m'endormir avant au moins 1H.. (merci bien)
Vendredi j'étais censé retrouvé Katha et Lea et Megan, comme vous avez pu le lire dans un précédent post, et ça ne c'est pas fait, vous l'avez lu aussi, du coup j'etais en ville, j'etais toute seule, je me suis donc ârréter dans mon café préféré à Melbourne, la cupcake Bakery j'ai mangé un super cupcake au beurre de cacahuètes accompagné d'un cappucino et j'ai acheté un second cupcake pour manger à la maison.
Il s'est mis a pleuvoir..des cordes, et encore, le mot est faible.
Les rues se sont transformé en rivières, j'ai tué mes ballerines, couru sous la pluie, noyé mon jeans, couru de la gare à la maison.
Aussitôt rentrée j'ai englouti mon cupcake, j'avais besoin d'une bonne dose de réconfort..
J'ai ensuite aspiré, lavé et tout ça...
Les enfants sont rentrés, ils ont mangés leurs diner aux alentours de 17H30 ( ce qui parait choquant pour nous français mais qui ne l'est pas en Australie! )
Après ça le bain et le dodo.
Je me suis encore endormie super tard, j'ai fais un cauchemar et me suis levée a 9H.
Samedi matin, j'ai rejoint Katha à la Bakery, elle était assise mangeait un cupcake donc bon .. je me suis dis que je devais en prendre un aussi, résultat j'en ai mangé deux. ( oui bon après le premier j'avais encore faim...)
On a prit le city circle, qui est un tram, pour aller à Docklands, faire du shopping.
Lea nous a rejoint, il a plut comme je ne sais trop quoi.
à 16H Lea & moi avons prit le city circle pour rentrer en ville.
Notre train pour rejoindre la maison était un peu plus tard, alors on a filé à la bakery acheter des cupcakes, plus de peannut butter, du coup j'en ai pris au chocolat ( oui ça fait 3 dans la même journée)
J'ai pris le train, marché de la gare à la maison sans parapluie, suis rentrée noyée jusqu'aux os et frigorifiée!
résultat de l'aprés midi shopping: deux nouvelles paires de chaussures, 60$ le tout !
J'ai du faire du baby-sitting le soir, je me suis couchée tard, trés tard.
Dimanche, comme d'habitude, j'étais malade, à 11H30 j'ai réussi à me sortir de mon lit, pris le train pour le centre, mangé un cupcake, emporté 4 autres à la maison, acheté des nouilles chinoises et un magazine débile pour avoir quelque chose à lire dans le train( même si je ne reste que 4mn dans le train)
suis rentrée à la maison, j'ai regardé des films que j'avais déjà vu 1000 de fois, j'ai eu un appel. 17H
Katha ma demandé de les rejoindre ( elle+ Megan+ le copain d'une copine de Katha)
à la garde de flinders street à 18H45
j'ai dis ok, je pensais que j'etais large, alors bon je me suis habillée puis je me suis remise au lit.
17H48 le téléphone sone. Katha me demande où je suis, je répond chez moi.
Elle est complètement ivre, me demande pourquoi je suis pas encore là, je lui dis que le rdv est à 18H45, que je n'ai que 5mn de train à faire pour les rejoindre (grosso modo que je suis large)
Elle comprend pas, passe le téléphone au copain de sa copine, qui me dit que le rdv était a 17H45, ok gros malentendu.
Je leurs demande de m'attendre, que je vais prendre le prochain train.
Ils refusent, je raccroche, et mange un cupcake.
Katha rappelle, elle s'excuse me demande de les rejoindre à ce bar au croisement de swanson & flinders.
Je cours jusque la station de south yarra ( 10mn)
je re-tue mes pompes, qui sont maintenant fracturée ( j'ai d'autres chaussures dans mon sac)
Je prend le train, je les retrouve au bar. Ivres.
Je me demande ce que je fou là.
Le copain veut aller à Fitzroy, dans un bar où ses potes jouent, bien.
Il nous fait prendre le train jusqu'au parlement, pour prendre le tram a Fitzroy, moins bien, on avait pas besoin d'aller jusqu'au parlement pour prendre le train 112, je m'énerve un peu toute seule, je me calme, un peu.
On arrive à ce bar, nul.
J'attend une demi heure, envoie un texto à un pote, il m'attend à south yarra.
Je motive les troupes pour repartir (19H30) personne ne bouge.
Ils se décident à bouger à 20H10, on manque le tram.
Le prochain tram pour regagner le centre est à 20h44.
On se géle dehors.
Le tram arrive, je marche, prend le train, arrive.
Passe une heure à boire un chocolat chaud au Républic coffee sur Toorak road.
Mon ami me reconduit à la maison.
Il est 22H30, je me met dans mon lit.
1H, je dormais pas encore.
Lundi matin, je passe l'aspi, partout, je rentre la cuisine, vais me coucher.
jeudi 24 mai 2012
Wednesday 23 of May
Tuesday night Jess, Betsy, Katha & I planed to have breakfast together on wednesday to say goodbye to Jess who's going to Cairns .
Was super exited about that, love have breakfast outside, I couldn't wait to see my friends.
Was sleeping, heard someone knocked the door, yelling my name, thought was dreaming but 5 minutes later, I've heard it again.
Was freaking out!
My host mum, Jo, needed to do " a short run", Ok was 8:30 I was supposed to meet girls at 10, I said that It wasn't a problem.
Did some cleaning, had a shower, dressed up... 945 Jo wasn't there yet..
Texted the girls, said I was going to be late, I'll meet then at 10:45
10, 1030 still no one...
I felt so mad, first because of the knocking door at 8 am, second because I had plans, third because she said "short" .
10:38 I heard the front door, 1040 was out, ran in the street to not be late.
I made it. was in time.
Explained all that to Betsy & Jess.
Found a place in chappel street to have breakfast.
Had english muffin with butter (6.50$) very expensive for only one... but the cappuccino was brilliant.
Jess had a tartine with avocado, tomatoes, bacon..
And Betsy had multigrain toasts with a coffe.
Then we went to that dvd's place.
Katha met us around 11, we did some windows shopping.
Betsy and Jess gone back home around 12.
It was the last time I see Jess, still hard to say goodbye, even if I don't really realized that I'm not going to see her again..
Katha & I went to Dukes, I had a lovely sandwich, then we went to the city for a quick dessert at the cupcake bakery.
Was super exited about that, love have breakfast outside, I couldn't wait to see my friends.
Was sleeping, heard someone knocked the door, yelling my name, thought was dreaming but 5 minutes later, I've heard it again.
Was freaking out!
My host mum, Jo, needed to do " a short run", Ok was 8:30 I was supposed to meet girls at 10, I said that It wasn't a problem.
Did some cleaning, had a shower, dressed up... 945 Jo wasn't there yet..
Texted the girls, said I was going to be late, I'll meet then at 10:45
10, 1030 still no one...
I felt so mad, first because of the knocking door at 8 am, second because I had plans, third because she said "short" .
10:38 I heard the front door, 1040 was out, ran in the street to not be late.
I made it. was in time.
Explained all that to Betsy & Jess.
Found a place in chappel street to have breakfast.
Had english muffin with butter (6.50$) very expensive for only one... but the cappuccino was brilliant.
Jess had a tartine with avocado, tomatoes, bacon..
And Betsy had multigrain toasts with a coffe.
Then we went to that dvd's place.
Katha met us around 11, we did some windows shopping.
Betsy and Jess gone back home around 12.
It was the last time I see Jess, still hard to say goodbye, even if I don't really realized that I'm not going to see her again..
Katha & I went to Dukes, I had a lovely sandwich, then we went to the city for a quick dessert at the cupcake bakery.
It's raining today...
What a bad day today, couldn't sleep last night ( once again), woke up at 8am heard the rain...
Wanted to go back in my bed.
Was supposed to have lunch with Lea, Katharina & Megan, told Lea I had to work, Megan told me she couldn't do it and Katha went shopping.
Fine, had 3hours off, dressed up, took my umbrella and took the train to the city.
Bought a new adapter for my mac, 90$ mmmhh thank you apple, love ya!
Felt sad today... went to the cupcake bakery, had a cappuccino and a peanut butter cupcake alone watching people on the street.
Decided to go back home, vacuumed the house.
It's only 2:34, I've done the list, It still raining, heavy rain, I don't have any option, got to stay home.
Moreover got to babysitt tonight, and tomorrow night.
Gonna die !
Wanted to go back in my bed.
Was supposed to have lunch with Lea, Katharina & Megan, told Lea I had to work, Megan told me she couldn't do it and Katha went shopping.
Fine, had 3hours off, dressed up, took my umbrella and took the train to the city.
Bought a new adapter for my mac, 90$ mmmhh thank you apple, love ya!
Felt sad today... went to the cupcake bakery, had a cappuccino and a peanut butter cupcake alone watching people on the street.
Decided to go back home, vacuumed the house.
It's only 2:34, I've done the list, It still raining, heavy rain, I don't have any option, got to stay home.
Moreover got to babysitt tonight, and tomorrow night.
Gonna die !
mardi 22 mai 2012
Saturday night
I wasn't suppose to go out on saturday. I did !
I didn't want to drink too much on saturday. I did !
I didn't want to stay at home on sunday.. Guess that you understand, I did !
Betsy was suposed to be at that race, I was supposed to babysitt while Jess & Katha were out.
But Betsy came home earlier, I didn't have to babysitt and Jess and Katha arrived at Chapel street at 9.
Betsy & I (actually I) had diner at La camera a tiny, lovely restaurant in chapel street.
I had pumpkin's ravioli and Betsy had a whisky coca.
Jess called she was in the street.
We join them, their were with an army of au pairs. It was ok.
We went to that Irish pub, don't remember the name, we had a lot of drinks.
I wanted to go back home, did the all walk without my shoes, came home, cooked pasta, didn't eat pasta, felt asleep, opened the door to jess at 3 o'clock, felt asleep again, opened the door and sayed goodbye to Jess at 6 o'clock, couldn't sleep again, vomited, tried to sleep, vomited, tried to drink water, vomited...
Sayed goodbye and thank you to Katha at 10, she did the dish, tidied my room, left, I vomited again.
I spent my all sunday, on my bed, couldn't even drink, or eat, or get up to go to the toilets.
I felt asleep at 3am, woke up monday at 7am.
I've cleaned the all house.
Felt asleep at 2am.
Woke up today, tuesday, at 8am.
What the hell is going on?
Tuesday I've dusted the all house.
Then I did babysitting.
I didn't want to drink too much on saturday. I did !
I didn't want to stay at home on sunday.. Guess that you understand, I did !
Betsy was suposed to be at that race, I was supposed to babysitt while Jess & Katha were out.
But Betsy came home earlier, I didn't have to babysitt and Jess and Katha arrived at Chapel street at 9.
Betsy & I (actually I) had diner at La camera a tiny, lovely restaurant in chapel street.
I had pumpkin's ravioli and Betsy had a whisky coca.
Jess called she was in the street.
We join them, their were with an army of au pairs. It was ok.
We went to that Irish pub, don't remember the name, we had a lot of drinks.
I wanted to go back home, did the all walk without my shoes, came home, cooked pasta, didn't eat pasta, felt asleep, opened the door to jess at 3 o'clock, felt asleep again, opened the door and sayed goodbye to Jess at 6 o'clock, couldn't sleep again, vomited, tried to sleep, vomited, tried to drink water, vomited...
Sayed goodbye and thank you to Katha at 10, she did the dish, tidied my room, left, I vomited again.
I spent my all sunday, on my bed, couldn't even drink, or eat, or get up to go to the toilets.
I felt asleep at 3am, woke up monday at 7am.
I've cleaned the all house.
Felt asleep at 2am.
Woke up today, tuesday, at 8am.
What the hell is going on?
Tuesday I've dusted the all house.
Then I did babysitting.
Compte rendu du premier mois
- Je crois bien que j'ai déjà pris quelques kilos
- Je suis toujours aussi accro au beurre de cacahuète, aux pancakes, aux muffins.. ( la liste et longue)
- L'eau est toujours aussi dégueulasse
- Je souffre encore quelques fois du décalage horaire _ I'm not yet use to the hours
- Je me suis déjà fais des amis_ I met new friends
- Mes amis sont déjà sur le point de quitter Melbourne ( le gros problème quand tu as des amis au pairs, c'est que tu sais très bien qu'elles ne resteront pas)_ My friends are going to leave Melbourne.
- J'ai déjà changé de famille une fois et vais changer de famille une seconde fois._ I've changed my host family, twice
- J'ai déjà changé de numéro de téléphone _ I had a new phone number
- Il commence a faire froid _ it's getting cold
- Je me trompe toujours de sens quand je traverse la route ( je sais pas ou regarder à gauche ou à droite en premier) _ I'm not use to the left side
- J'ai toujours pas acheter de chaussures d'hiver _ I didn't have buy any shoes yet
- Mon chien me manque toujours autant - I still miss my puppy
south yarra here I am ( for 3 weeks)
Jo picked me up on Monday morning ( it was the 14th), with Electra.
I've met her a week ago and she said that she needed me for only 3 weeks, I couldn't stay at my first host family anymore, because even if they are good & nice people, they didn't need me, so I thought that it was a good idea to go somewhere else for 3weeks (that way I could find and other long position) instead of staying in the family where I wasn't welcome anymore.
So when I arrived I tidy my room and I had to look after Electra (3years old) for few hours.
I didn't do a lot my first day..
Tuesday, I had to clean the all house ( 3 levels , 4 with the basement) it took me.. a while ( the morning) then I did the laundry and a bit of general tidy..
Wednesday I met Betsy in Chapel street ( 5min away from home by feet) we went to Duke a very nice café, the kind of café you could stay for hours only watching people. I had a glass of pinot noir & a prochuto and mozzarella sandwich. ( I also leased a season of a show)
Thursday I cleaned all the bathrooms and I did laundry.
Friday I met Betsy in Chapel st, at Amici, for breakfast , a beautiful place, I had a croissant (actually It did look like a croissant but It tasted like a pain au chocolat) was excellent and I know what I'm talking about, and a cappuccino, while Bets had a coffee with a blueberry's muffin.
Then I've leased an other season of that show.
I didn't go out on friday because I had to babysitt.
I thought I could watch my show on the living's room tv but I couldn't.
So I did wait the parents to come home to watch my dvd.
I've met her a week ago and she said that she needed me for only 3 weeks, I couldn't stay at my first host family anymore, because even if they are good & nice people, they didn't need me, so I thought that it was a good idea to go somewhere else for 3weeks (that way I could find and other long position) instead of staying in the family where I wasn't welcome anymore.
So when I arrived I tidy my room and I had to look after Electra (3years old) for few hours.
I didn't do a lot my first day..
Tuesday, I had to clean the all house ( 3 levels , 4 with the basement) it took me.. a while ( the morning) then I did the laundry and a bit of general tidy..
Wednesday I met Betsy in Chapel street ( 5min away from home by feet) we went to Duke a very nice café, the kind of café you could stay for hours only watching people. I had a glass of pinot noir & a prochuto and mozzarella sandwich. ( I also leased a season of a show)
Thursday I cleaned all the bathrooms and I did laundry.
Friday I met Betsy in Chapel st, at Amici, for breakfast , a beautiful place, I had a croissant (actually It did look like a croissant but It tasted like a pain au chocolat) was excellent and I know what I'm talking about, and a cappuccino, while Bets had a coffee with a blueberry's muffin.
Then I've leased an other season of that show.
I didn't go out on friday because I had to babysitt.
I thought I could watch my show on the living's room tv but I couldn't.
So I did wait the parents to come home to watch my dvd.
Back from the Great ocean Road.
We came back in Melbourne at 6:30pm, were in ascot vale at 7.10.
But Jess & Besty were in Fitzroy and they asked to join them, they've talked about good & cheap wine.
How to say know to wine?! ahah
So no time for a shower ( yep, I admit it) but clean clothes, shoes on and .. we were out .. once again.
After a nice veggie's sandwich and a huge muffin, we took the 112 ( tram) to go in Fitzroy.
We went to Evelyn hotel, a very nice bar, and then .. to an other one in Fitzroy but once again, I did forgot the name!
I had a good time, but I was thinking to so many things and I was so tired, I couldn't stay longer and partying.
So Betsy & I took a cab to Toorak ( Betsy's place) and I slept like a baby !
The morning after, I needed pancakes, yep I know I'm getting fat but I needed it, so we went to the pancake parlour in Melbourne central.
I had a potatoes & cheese pancake ( with 3 buttermilk pancakes) and Betsy had .. strawberry pancakes! It was exactly what I needed.
Then I went to the grocery, bought some dip, crakers, and 2 peanut butter's cupcakes and I went back home ( ascot vale) for the last time.
I watched a movie, and slept early.
On Monday my new host mum picked me up, "south yarra here I come. "
But Jess & Besty were in Fitzroy and they asked to join them, they've talked about good & cheap wine.
How to say know to wine?! ahah
So no time for a shower ( yep, I admit it) but clean clothes, shoes on and .. we were out .. once again.
After a nice veggie's sandwich and a huge muffin, we took the 112 ( tram) to go in Fitzroy.
We went to Evelyn hotel, a very nice bar, and then .. to an other one in Fitzroy but once again, I did forgot the name!
I had a good time, but I was thinking to so many things and I was so tired, I couldn't stay longer and partying.
So Betsy & I took a cab to Toorak ( Betsy's place) and I slept like a baby !
The morning after, I needed pancakes, yep I know I'm getting fat but I needed it, so we went to the pancake parlour in Melbourne central.
I had a potatoes & cheese pancake ( with 3 buttermilk pancakes) and Betsy had .. strawberry pancakes! It was exactly what I needed.
Then I went to the grocery, bought some dip, crakers, and 2 peanut butter's cupcakes and I went back home ( ascot vale) for the last time.
I watched a movie, and slept early.
On Monday my new host mum picked me up, "south yarra here I come. "
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